Monday, April 4, 2016

Start, Stop, Continue for Speech #3


My radical idea is to eliminate the jury in criminal court cases and allow the decision of the case to go to the judge. 

Using more room when speaking. I want to walk around instead of standing next to the computer screen the whole time. When a speaker walks around it communicates confidence and credibility instead of hiding behind the desk and computer screen. 
Writing less on my slides and be able to elaborate more. I really like when slides are short and sweet with more pictures than text and the speaker is able to fluidly bring the audience through the presentation
Looking at the audience more and not down at the computer screen as much. I want to get to the point where I’m telling the audience a sort of story straight from the head rather than seem like I’m reading a report. I noticed in my video I looked way too often at the computer screen
Start using pauses and my voice more effectively. I want to seem very confident in what I'm presenting and credible to present my topic. I tried to utilize pauses in my last speech but after watching the video they did not look and sound how I was hoping.
Start using more professional and credible language. 
Creating a tone that is credible to the speech. For this speech my tone should have been very professional because anything that happens in a court room is very professional. But my tone was rather inappropriate in my opinion, I didn't sound like I should be credible enough to talk about the topic at hand.
Start using a more effective hook that will automatically grab the audiences attention right away. 

The most obvious and biggest thing I want to stop is saying um and like too often. Um not only sounds unprofessional but it also takes away an aspect of a speech that can be really strong and influential. Having a silent pause shows the audience I am well practiced and confident.
I also want to stop keeping my hands on the podium for most of the speech. This to me communicates being unopen and being nervous. By keeping my palms open and speaking with my hands I would be a more open and warm speaker to my audience.
Stop repeating myself and studdering. Since I was a little kid I have always had speech and stuttering problems, I noticed more so in this speech than in the others I repeated myself a lot and stuttered with certain words. I think this was the biggest area of weakness in my speech. 
I want to stop psyching myself out before my speech begins, with this speech I really tried to create a solid outline that I could stick too that I felt persuaded my audience and got my points across well. But after watching my video it looks like I just sort of fumbled through my slides, stuttered, and repeated myself far too often.
Stop putting in things that are irrelevant or time consuming. When I practiced this speech at home it took me 4 minutes exactly plus my 1 min video. In class I spoke for 6 minutes and didn't get to show my video. I think this is because I tried to add a lot of stuff during my speech that wasn't necessary. Like telling the class about my own jury duty experience. It didn't really add anything substantial to the presentation. 

creating a specific outline that I should stay too. I like how on my prezi I formulated a great argument and presentation, I just wasn't happy with how I delivered it. 
Continue to inform the audience of what will be covered at the beginning of my speech then go over it once again once my speech is coming to an end. 
Smiling and sounding enthusiastic about the topic at hand. 
Using good body language and standing up straight. This communicates confidence with the topic at hand which is key. 
Overall my body posture and language and tone all seemed confident which makes me proud. Its just the actual sentences I’m saying that need improvement to show more confidence. 
Using a prezi to guide my presentation, and use the movements of prezi to present a flow during my speech.

Classmates moves:

Jake - Jake killed it so hard over all. A specific move I really like is how he appealed to people emotions by opening his speech with the stuff about animal cruelty. Then he created a very compelling argument that it makes so much more sense to help humans first. He used his emotions and that really shown through during his speech. 

Canyon - Canyon also killed it super hard in his speech. To me his was the most persuasive because it had all the elements of a radical idea. I really like the move when he created the 3 point solution, super awesome and made it really easy for me to understand. By making it so simply it became more effective and more persuasive. His structure and how he flowed through his speech is something I hope to emulate. 

Ryan - The move I liked most with Ryan is how his radical idea seemed to make the most sense out of anyones. It is so practical to use prison workers as workers for sweatshops. I like how he not only stated his idea (legal sweatshops in US) but gave us a solid background on many different areas of labor and history of sweatshops. But he presented us with a solution to why sweatshops in US should be legal. His speech was very very persuasive because it seemed so plausible and just overall to make enough sense. 

1 comment:

  1. You're on the right track! I like that you want to walk around more on stage so to be able to utilize the space and show confidence while preforming. (I would like to work on this more myself!) Keeping eye contact with the class is also a great way to improve one's public speaking skills. Great stuff to start working on for your next speech!

    It was a good idea to add your personal story/experience into your speech! I think that was a nice edition to your presentation. I wouldn't regret that part... nerves are something we all get while on stage but with more practice (especially in front of an audience would help you work on your execution.)

    IMPORTANT: Post up your video!

    P.S. Possibly increase the size of your letters/fount. It would make it a little easier to read and less stain on one's eyes. ;)

    Nicely done and I thoroughly enjoyed watching your speech and reviewing your start,stop,continue!

    ~Mr. D
