Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Outline for speech 4

For speech 4 we are creating a new product called the "Towbe". It is essentially an all purpose comfortable garmet one can wear whenever they choose. We are pitching in a shark tank setting and looking to have a 100k investment for 10% of our company. We both have a background in surfing and that is where the concept came from. Towel changing into a wetsuit is quite annoying and hard, also after surfing on a cold morning nothings feels better than curling up in a towel. So we created the Towbe to allow changing in and out of the wetsuit to be a lot easier and have a warm jacket like article of clothing to keep you warm after you get out of the ocean. Mr. D and poly will be the sharks and Ryan and I will be childhood friends who grew up going to the beach and surfing together. Ryan owns 30%, I own 30% and Ryans mom who is the creator owns 30% and were hoping Poly or Mr. D will invest to own 10%.

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