Great class everyone!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
Speech #4 Start Stop Continue
Group Towbe
3 classmates moves
1. Group AI with the intro video and realistic shark tank. This move definitely effected me the most because our group also attempted the real shark tank style. But by having the intro music for the shark tank tv show and giving an introduction to each member of the group really hooked me in right from the beginning. This move is really effective because it gave a quick backstory that created a deeper character level that the audience understood. It was super cool how they created fake personas for the sharks like Taka being Mr. Toyota. I also really like how this group showed pictures of Kyle from earlier in his life where hes surrounded by girls and stuff. All in all the video and introduction of group AI was phenomenal.
2. I really like when Burella played the multiple people in the dumps presentation. This was effective for a number of reasons. First because each character that he played brought a new problem to the table regarding the dump which allowed the other three to answer this question to further the legitimacy of the dump. Super effective, also very entertaining impressions which made it more fun to listen to. Also this group did a preentation that actually felt like a real PTA meeting.
3. The last move I want to talk about is TAR OFF and the tar genie. I like that during their skit the Tar genie kept saying Tar ashore tar no more! I thought this was a great move and for selling a product and keeping it in someones mind. Its catchy and easy to remember which is a great marketing tool.
- As a group I thought we did fairly well but certainly missed on some areas. First off is the Hook, we definitely missed the hook. During our practice we had a better hook but during the actual presentaion we messed it up. Because of this we sort of failed our introduction
- I want to start with a strong and determined hook that will be very clear of the audience and grab their attention right awat
- Start glancing into the crowd more and project my voice as best as I can. I noticed in the video I would look down and not talk very loud which needs to stop
- Start showing more enthusiasm during my speeches. I am a fairly enthusiastic person but it didnt show through during this speech which is a bummer.
- Start being more warm and inviting to my audience, I really didn't like how emotionless I seem during my speech
- Stuttering - this has been a problem for me for far too long. And although it has been the biggest challenge for me to stop I have seen some improvement on not stuttering so much. It usually happens when I get nervous and make a mistake. It happened during my mission statement slide and I completely screwed the pooch on that slide. But after that my speaking went smoothly.
- Stop leaving questions for the audience. I want to get more and more specific and really nail down what exactly needs to be said. It became apparent after watching the video we left some things vague and needed to go into more detail. For example the details of cost of production, manufacturing, shipping, and what we buy/sell our towbes for.
- Stop being pretty vague, we really wanted to give a strong back story of where towbe came from and why it was the best version of the towel robes on the market. We wanted to project being a small family owned type company that values its customers, but when I watched the video that message wasn't sent to the viewers as much as we would have liked.
- Bouncing off eachother and using some improvisation during the speech. I think its really important to have a strong outline of how the speech will go down but leave some wiggle room for unexpected changes that can benefit the speech.
- Continue having a good group dynamic where all of us offer something different.
- Also continue to bounce off of each others ideas to have an idea grow organically. I think its important to note that for a while in the beginning we just talked about different angles and possibilities we could go at with the towbe. By exploring every option with the group we unanimously decided on the one that worked the best
- Continue using prezi for my future endevours because its such a better form of powerpoint. Its so much more active and brings so much more to the presentation
- Continue to have fun on stage when other group projects are assigned. Speaking in a group for me is so much easier than alone, I think because we all up there at the same time relying on eachother. And group presenting is way more fun and less stressful for me. Because it something goes wrong or unplanned its exciting to see how the group handles. It also feels a lot easier and more natural to improvise during a group speech.
3 classmates moves
1. Group AI with the intro video and realistic shark tank. This move definitely effected me the most because our group also attempted the real shark tank style. But by having the intro music for the shark tank tv show and giving an introduction to each member of the group really hooked me in right from the beginning. This move is really effective because it gave a quick backstory that created a deeper character level that the audience understood. It was super cool how they created fake personas for the sharks like Taka being Mr. Toyota. I also really like how this group showed pictures of Kyle from earlier in his life where hes surrounded by girls and stuff. All in all the video and introduction of group AI was phenomenal.
2. I really like when Burella played the multiple people in the dumps presentation. This was effective for a number of reasons. First because each character that he played brought a new problem to the table regarding the dump which allowed the other three to answer this question to further the legitimacy of the dump. Super effective, also very entertaining impressions which made it more fun to listen to. Also this group did a preentation that actually felt like a real PTA meeting.
3. The last move I want to talk about is TAR OFF and the tar genie. I like that during their skit the Tar genie kept saying Tar ashore tar no more! I thought this was a great move and for selling a product and keeping it in someones mind. Its catchy and easy to remember which is a great marketing tool.
- As a group I thought we did fairly well but certainly missed on some areas. First off is the Hook, we definitely missed the hook. During our practice we had a better hook but during the actual presentaion we messed it up. Because of this we sort of failed our introduction
- I want to start with a strong and determined hook that will be very clear of the audience and grab their attention right awat
- Start glancing into the crowd more and project my voice as best as I can. I noticed in the video I would look down and not talk very loud which needs to stop
- Start showing more enthusiasm during my speeches. I am a fairly enthusiastic person but it didnt show through during this speech which is a bummer.
- Start being more warm and inviting to my audience, I really didn't like how emotionless I seem during my speech
- Stuttering - this has been a problem for me for far too long. And although it has been the biggest challenge for me to stop I have seen some improvement on not stuttering so much. It usually happens when I get nervous and make a mistake. It happened during my mission statement slide and I completely screwed the pooch on that slide. But after that my speaking went smoothly.
- Stop leaving questions for the audience. I want to get more and more specific and really nail down what exactly needs to be said. It became apparent after watching the video we left some things vague and needed to go into more detail. For example the details of cost of production, manufacturing, shipping, and what we buy/sell our towbes for.
- Stop being pretty vague, we really wanted to give a strong back story of where towbe came from and why it was the best version of the towel robes on the market. We wanted to project being a small family owned type company that values its customers, but when I watched the video that message wasn't sent to the viewers as much as we would have liked.
- Bouncing off eachother and using some improvisation during the speech. I think its really important to have a strong outline of how the speech will go down but leave some wiggle room for unexpected changes that can benefit the speech.
- Continue having a good group dynamic where all of us offer something different.
- Also continue to bounce off of each others ideas to have an idea grow organically. I think its important to note that for a while in the beginning we just talked about different angles and possibilities we could go at with the towbe. By exploring every option with the group we unanimously decided on the one that worked the best
- Continue using prezi for my future endevours because its such a better form of powerpoint. Its so much more active and brings so much more to the presentation
- Continue to have fun on stage when other group projects are assigned. Speaking in a group for me is so much easier than alone, I think because we all up there at the same time relying on eachother. And group presenting is way more fun and less stressful for me. Because it something goes wrong or unplanned its exciting to see how the group handles. It also feels a lot easier and more natural to improvise during a group speech.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Outline for speech 4
For speech 4 we are creating a new product called the "Towbe". It is essentially an all purpose comfortable garmet one can wear whenever they choose. We are pitching in a shark tank setting and looking to have a 100k investment for 10% of our company. We both have a background in surfing and that is where the concept came from. Towel changing into a wetsuit is quite annoying and hard, also after surfing on a cold morning nothings feels better than curling up in a towel. So we created the Towbe to allow changing in and out of the wetsuit to be a lot easier and have a warm jacket like article of clothing to keep you warm after you get out of the ocean. Mr. D and poly will be the sharks and Ryan and I will be childhood friends who grew up going to the beach and surfing together. Ryan owns 30%, I own 30% and Ryans mom who is the creator owns 30% and were hoping Poly or Mr. D will invest to own 10%.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Start, Stop, Continue for Speech #3
My radical idea is to eliminate the jury in criminal court cases and allow the decision of the case to go to the judge.
Using more room when speaking. I want to walk around instead of standing next to the computer screen the whole time. When a speaker walks around it communicates confidence and credibility instead of hiding behind the desk and computer screen.
Writing less on my slides and be able to elaborate more. I really like when slides are short and sweet with more pictures than text and the speaker is able to fluidly bring the audience through the presentation
Looking at the audience more and not down at the computer screen as much. I want to get to the point where I’m telling the audience a sort of story straight from the head rather than seem like I’m reading a report. I noticed in my video I looked way too often at the computer screen
Start using pauses and my voice more effectively. I want to seem very confident in what I'm presenting and credible to present my topic. I tried to utilize pauses in my last speech but after watching the video they did not look and sound how I was hoping.
Start using more professional and credible language.
Creating a tone that is credible to the speech. For this speech my tone should have been very professional because anything that happens in a court room is very professional. But my tone was rather inappropriate in my opinion, I didn't sound like I should be credible enough to talk about the topic at hand.
Start using a more effective hook that will automatically grab the audiences attention right away.
The most obvious and biggest thing I want to stop is saying um and like too often. Um not only sounds unprofessional but it also takes away an aspect of a speech that can be really strong and influential. Having a silent pause shows the audience I am well practiced and confident.
I also want to stop keeping my hands on the podium for most of the speech. This to me communicates being unopen and being nervous. By keeping my palms open and speaking with my hands I would be a more open and warm speaker to my audience.
Stop repeating myself and studdering. Since I was a little kid I have always had speech and stuttering problems, I noticed more so in this speech than in the others I repeated myself a lot and stuttered with certain words. I think this was the biggest area of weakness in my speech.
I want to stop psyching myself out before my speech begins, with this speech I really tried to create a solid outline that I could stick too that I felt persuaded my audience and got my points across well. But after watching my video it looks like I just sort of fumbled through my slides, stuttered, and repeated myself far too often.
Stop putting in things that are irrelevant or time consuming. When I practiced this speech at home it took me 4 minutes exactly plus my 1 min video. In class I spoke for 6 minutes and didn't get to show my video. I think this is because I tried to add a lot of stuff during my speech that wasn't necessary. Like telling the class about my own jury duty experience. It didn't really add anything substantial to the presentation.
creating a specific outline that I should stay too. I like how on my prezi I formulated a great argument and presentation, I just wasn't happy with how I delivered it.
Continue to inform the audience of what will be covered at the beginning of my speech then go over it once again once my speech is coming to an end.
Smiling and sounding enthusiastic about the topic at hand.
Using good body language and standing up straight. This communicates confidence with the topic at hand which is key.
Overall my body posture and language and tone all seemed confident which makes me proud. Its just the actual sentences I’m saying that need improvement to show more confidence.
Using a prezi to guide my presentation, and use the movements of prezi to present a flow during my speech.
Classmates moves:
Jake - Jake killed it so hard over all. A specific move I really like is how he appealed to people emotions by opening his speech with the stuff about animal cruelty. Then he created a very compelling argument that it makes so much more sense to help humans first. He used his emotions and that really shown through during his speech.
Canyon - Canyon also killed it super hard in his speech. To me his was the most persuasive because it had all the elements of a radical idea. I really like the move when he created the 3 point solution, super awesome and made it really easy for me to understand. By making it so simply it became more effective and more persuasive. His structure and how he flowed through his speech is something I hope to emulate.
Ryan - The move I liked most with Ryan is how his radical idea seemed to make the most sense out of anyones. It is so practical to use prison workers as workers for sweatshops. I like how he not only stated his idea (legal sweatshops in US) but gave us a solid background on many different areas of labor and history of sweatshops. But he presented us with a solution to why sweatshops in US should be legal. His speech was very very persuasive because it seemed so plausible and just overall to make enough sense.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Speech 3 rough draft
Radical Idea: Why prostitution is a completely legitimate profession and needs to be legal
Show Consensus on Issue
% of people who feel prostituion should be illegal everywhere
2. Why is prostituion so frowned upon?
Harmful to the woman, mentally and physically
Illegal in most areas in un tied states expect certain areas in Nevada except vegas
Concept of girls being disease ridden, dirty, cheap, and having no morals
3. Reasons it should be legal
Prostitution is a victimless crime. Workers provide a service for a fee, each party involved is winning
People have a right to use their bodies as they please. If phone sex, webcam sex, and fully naked strip clubs are all legal why isn't prostitution. What makes it so different?
Criminalizing the trade of sex is not the solution. The industry is multi million dollars and is here to stay. Why not be smart and make it safer for the parties involved as well as earn money from it
It cannot be prevented by passing laws. In strip clubs, massage parlors, streets, and many other places there will always be prostitution. It is impossible to prevent it.
Escort services
Different levels of prostitution(some with affluent members of community)
Making it legal would give sex workers employment rights and benefits
Govt could tax and make $$$
Nevada govt earns as much as 3,000 a week
Help fight sex trafficking
If a good relationship is made with sex workers and the Law the threat of the “law” by Pimps will no longer be existent.
Becomes much more safe for workers, weekly STD testing, not controlled by pimps, sexual violence less common
Why it makes sense for every party except the Pimps to make prostitution legal
Why it is called the oldest profession
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Start Stop Continue: Speech #2
- Speech 2: Start Stop Continue
- Start:
- Practicing until I want to throw up, I need to practice practice practice.
- Practice is probably the biggest thing effecting my speeches. I usually practice some and feel pretty good about presenting but when the time comes I feel not as prepared as I once did. For the next speech I will know my speech like the back of my hand.
- Making better eye contact with the class
- I noticed that throughout this speech I looked a little too often at the computer screen and almost seemed reliant on what it said.
- Start using my hand gestures better
- gesturing is a great way to communicate nonverbally and show confidence throughout the presentation.
- Start using pauses as an advantage rather than a weakness
- When I paused during this last speech I became uncertain and lost my confidence. I would then use a speech tick like Um or Uhh to fill the pause. Those are not characteristics of a good speech.
- Using prezi in the future
- I was a little nervous for using prezi because I have never used it before. But it was actually extremely easy and entertaining to use.
- Creating and sticking to a better and easier to understand structure. So I don't jumble up my words or confuse the class
- Having a killer intro and conclusion, that goes over exactly what I’ll be speaking about and what I want to communicate to my listeners
- Stop:
- I want more than anything to stop feeling the pre speech anxiety
- I think by practicing more and more I will stop feeling the pre speech nerves
- Stop repeating myself
- This is something I noticed in my first speech I do often. During the genre speech I told the class that Gary blows himself up at least 3 times. This is obviously way to many times. I think I do this as a product of being nervous and in the moment not knowing what to say, so I repeat what is on my mind. By being repetitive it takes a lot away from the speech, it becomes not as valid and exciting
- Stop improvising and not sticking to my structure
- By improvising I often repeat myself or cause some gaps in my speech. This just effects my validity and flow of the speech
- Speaking so quickly
- I need to slow down and enunciate my words better so the overall communication in my speech is better.
- Comparing myself to the other speakers
- This only hurts my confidence, I need to focus on myself and what I can do better each speech. Not compare how the other students speeches are going
- Continue:
- Choosing topics that are interesting to me and exciting for the class
- I like that I chose the skateboarding topic, it is something no on else did and I want to continue choosing out of the ordinary topics
- Using humor in my speeches to make them more enjoyable to listen to
- Speak at a good tone and pace so that all viewers can hear me. I do need some adjustment with this but overall I think I am fairly good
- Continue to introduce myself and what I will speak on and why
- Smile often
- Smiling communicates being comfortable and confidence. Although others things didn't communicate this, I certainly want to continue to smile and laugh throughout my speech
- Comparing gary’s conventions and moves to other newscasts.
- I really like that I did this because it really emphasizes how gary is different and makes it easy for my listeners to understand why Gary is different
- Students Moves:
- Kyle:
- I really liked Kyle’s speech genre. It was very specific like mine, choosing a podcast and then explaining the entire show was cool. By the end of him presentation I feel like I’ve watched the show many times. Also the move when he explained the lingo of Barstool sports was super cool. There were certain terms they used and he explained the terms to the class well.
- Connor:
- Obviously conner’s move when he slammed down the folder was super awesome. I thought it was cool how he incorporated the theme of intimidation and power during an interrogation into his speech. It definitely caught everyones attention and really drove home the point he was trying to make.
- Poly:
- Poly’s list of conventions and moves as a server was really extensive and covered pretty much all aspects of service. If one just read Poly’s presentation and memorized what she said they would make a great server, almost as if not much other training would be necessary
- Daisy:
- Overall Daisy just killed it, the way she presented was like she was giving a school tour. Which further communicated to the class the conventions and moves of the genre without having to verbally say them. Her energy was perfect.
- Mackenzie:
- I thought it was super awesome how she acted like she was giving an Oscar Speech but explaining to the class the moves and conventions instead of the actual words of her speech. It was sort of like the Ted Talks we watched and I thought that was a really cool move to do for the class.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Speech #2 Rough Draft
Genre: Youtuber/Skateboarder Day in the Life
- Usually begins with them waking up or eating breakfast still looking half asleep.
- He/she then welcomes the viewers to the video and tells them what type of video this is.
- Every YouTuber has a sort of genre that they fit into and the video will reflect that. For example a skateboarder will do a Day in the Life on a day full of skating, rather than a day full of work or school.
Video Content
- After breakfast they proceed to go to the local park and "warm up", maybe play a few games of SKATE, and just mess around for a little while.
- They Video is usually full of skating, talking, and messing around with buddies
- Jokes are played, tricks are tried, some are landed and some aren't
- Sometimes security/cops will kick the riders out
- Usually lots of talking done by the YouTuber, explains where they're going next, what they're going to do, and who they're going with.
- Introductions of YouTuber's friends into the video
- Fun music played throughout the video
- Purpose of the video is to show what this person does on their ideal day of living
- Video will end with getting dropped off back at home.
- Youtuber explaining what they're gonna do next
- Thanking everyone for watching and being a part
Conventions/Moves of a Day In the Life
- usually entertaining
- Jokes made often
- Shows the ideal day for the particular person
- Skateboarder = Day filled with skating
- Thank viewers for watching and subscribers for subscribing
- Promotes other social media platforms where viewers can follow
Monday, February 8, 2016
Post Speech Reflection: Start, Stop, Continue
- Making more eye contact
- I noticed I looked at my note way way too much. I need to maintain eye contact with my audience more to reinforce what I am talking about. More eye contact shows more confidence and knowledge of what I am talking about.
- I need to practice more!
- When I practiced in front of my friends and the mirror I felt confident and it seemed easy. But in front of everyone I got really nervous and I think i definitely showed. For my next speech I want to practice in front of people I'm not as comfortable with, perhaps a roommates friend or neighbors who I don't talk to very often.
- Start using more gestures, moving around the speech area, and looking at all my audience.
- I think that speaking with hands and doing other nonverbal things helps communicate what point the speaker is trying to get across. And using nonverbal communication and benefit me with my speeches greatly.
- I would like to start using pauses better.
- Whenever I would pause I got nervous and used fillers like Um and Ah. To me that communicates that I wasn't prepared enough and confident in what I was speaking. Pauses can be used as points of emphasis in a speech and to have stronger and more persuasive points.
- Structure my speech more efficiently
- I repeated myself too much and I want to start my next speech with a structure of exactly the points I want to make and the arguments I will say
- Creating a better hook
- With this last speech I didn't have a very strong hook and that definitely effected the quality of persuasion of my speech
- Doing the same gesture with my arms
- Throughout my speech I did the same arm gesture. In the future I want to expand what my gestures are to use my nonverbal communication to reinforce what I am speaking about
- Using the works like, um, and ah so much
- During my speech I kept looking to my notecard and I would take a few seconds to find what I am trying to say. This definitely proved to be hurtful for me. Because I would say uhhhh or ummm during these seconds and look like I didn't know what I was talking about. I think that caused me to seem less confident, less persuasive, and less professional.
- Stop using a note card all together
- Overall I think the notecard did more harm for my speech than good. When practicing I didn't use it at all and my speech flowed so much nicer. But in he video I kept referring back to it which interrupted my flow. At a few points in my speech I said something and they glanced at my notecard and pretty much repeated exactly what I just said. It's frustrating to watch because when reading the notecard and the room is silent I get nervous from the silence and repeat what I'm reading to break the silence. Even though I know its exactly what I just said.
- Stop sounding so monotone
- I am a very spirited and energized person. And I felt my speech was pretty monotone and almost boring. I want to bring more emotion into what I am speaking and make it more personal for me and entertaining for my audience.
- Stop seeming so nervous and not very confident
- The biggest thing I want to stop doing is seeming so not confident. Some other classmates seemed so confident and comfortable up there on stage. I know I have that type of confidence in me for public speaking I just need to figure out how to get it to shine. It seems that once I'm up there right when something small goes wrong I put too much thought into fixing it that makes me lose my confidence. I usually think the problem is a lot more of a bid deal than it actually is which throws me off.
- Making the speech personal and a topic of interest for me
- I really liked the topic of my speech because it is something I could easily see myself doing
- Speaking at a good pace and good volume
- I think I have a good pitch and tone of my voice
- Choosing a topic that I am passionate about.
- The more passion I have for something the more confident I am and that translates to a better speech
- Making my post relatable to the audience and connectable to the audience
- Offering a rebuttal and how to get around that. I like in my speech I was able to show why what I was offering was fair to my dad and why it's different than just asking for money
- Lastly continue to stand up straight and using good body language. I want my gestures to get better but I'm happy with how I'm standing and engaging with my audience
Monday, February 1, 2016
Elevator Pitch Rough Draft
Elevator Pitch
Premise -
Graduating college in the spring
family trip to New York City (somewhere I have never been before)’
In the Elevator at our hotel with my Dad, were going up to floor 30
Its Christmas Time, and I’m graduating in May
Dad starts by asking me how Santa Barbara is and my new job.
So this is my pitch to you dad, as you know I’ve recently started working at the Boathouse and will be graduating in the spring with no real plan of what I will be doing after. I’m positive I don't want to jump right into my career and risk missing out on some aspects of a career free life. Well I’ve realized I want to take some time to travel and enjoy what the globe has to offer. I have a tentative plan on where I want to go and what to types of things to do but the main aspect I am missing in the funding.
That is why I am talking to you about this Dad. Because traveling the world costs a pretty penny and I know you'd want me to experience all the places around the globe that you have experienced over the years. So heres my thought, for the next six months while I work at Boathouse I will try and save as much money as I can. And however much money I am able to save you will match me and give to me for travel purposes. With the money I will save and the money you give me I will definitely be able to spend some time traveling to some new places. I know this is a lot to ask of you and mom but if you agree I will consider it my graduation gift. And it will also promote me to work harder and become better at managing my money. Also, I know you don’t usually support the idea of just giving myself or the other siblings money for stuff we want to do. But I see this preposition as different because the amount of money I will receive from you is solely dependent on myself and how hard I will work. And the money I will get won’t be for a sort of material item but rather life experiences and life lessons. I feel like there is so much out there to learn and see. I've seen so much of the world over the internet but now I want to see it through my own eyes. There's something so magical to me about being in a spot on earth I have never stepped foot on before.
I don’t need a definite answer right now, I just figured I pitch that idea too you and see what you thought and how you reacted. Give it some thought, talk to mom and get back to me pop. No rush, Love you!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
About ME
Hello Everyone!
My name is Owen, I'm a 21 year old student at city college from Orange County. I'm a communications major at SBCC and am transferring come fall 2016. I'm not sure where but definitely come place in Southern California. My two top choices are UCSB and SDSU. I like doing stuff that is entertaining, new and fun. I'm always down to try new stuff and explore something I havent done before. I also like to skate, surf, snowboard and pretty much anything outside. I'm looking forward to taking this class cause it seems like it's going to be super awesome!
My name is Owen, I'm a 21 year old student at city college from Orange County. I'm a communications major at SBCC and am transferring come fall 2016. I'm not sure where but definitely come place in Southern California. My two top choices are UCSB and SDSU. I like doing stuff that is entertaining, new and fun. I'm always down to try new stuff and explore something I havent done before. I also like to skate, surf, snowboard and pretty much anything outside. I'm looking forward to taking this class cause it seems like it's going to be super awesome!
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