Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Speech 3 rough draft
Radical Idea: Why prostitution is a completely legitimate profession and needs to be legal

Show Consensus on Issue
% of people who feel prostituion should be illegal everywhere
2. Why is prostituion so frowned upon?
Harmful to the woman, mentally and physically
Illegal in most areas in un tied states expect certain areas in Nevada except vegas
Concept of girls being disease ridden, dirty, cheap, and having no morals

3. Reasons it should be legal
Prostitution is a victimless crime. Workers provide a service for a fee, each party involved is winning
People have a right to use their bodies as they please. If phone sex, webcam sex, and fully naked strip clubs are all legal why isn't prostitution. What makes it so different?
Criminalizing the trade of sex is not the solution. The industry is multi million dollars and is here to stay. Why not be smart and make it safer for the parties involved as well as earn money from it
It cannot be prevented by passing laws. In strip clubs, massage parlors, streets, and many other places there will always be prostitution. It is impossible to prevent it.
Escort services
Different levels of prostitution(some with affluent members of community)
Making it legal would give sex workers employment rights and benefits
Govt could tax and make $$$
Nevada govt earns as much as 3,000 a week
Help fight sex trafficking
If a good relationship is made with sex workers and the Law the threat of the “law” by Pimps will no longer be existent. 
Becomes much more safe for workers, weekly STD testing, not controlled by pimps, sexual violence less common 

Why it makes sense for every party except the Pimps to make prostitution legal

Why it is called the oldest profession

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Start Stop Continue: Speech #2

  • Speech 2: Start Stop Continue

  • Start: 
  • Practicing until I want to throw up, I need to practice practice practice. 
    • Practice is probably the biggest thing effecting my speeches. I usually practice some and feel pretty good about presenting but when the time comes I feel not as prepared as I once did. For the next speech I will know my speech like the back of my hand.
  • Making better eye contact with the class
    • I noticed that throughout this speech I looked a little too often at the computer screen and almost seemed reliant on what it said. 
  • Start using my hand gestures better
    •  gesturing is a great way to communicate nonverbally and show confidence throughout the presentation.
  • Start using pauses as an advantage rather than a weakness
    • When I paused during this last speech I became uncertain and lost my confidence. I would then use a speech tick like Um or Uhh to fill the pause. Those are not characteristics of a good speech.
  • Using prezi in the future
    • I was a little nervous for using prezi because I have never used it before. But it was actually extremely easy and entertaining to use. 
  • Creating and sticking to a better and easier to understand structure. So I don't jumble up my words or confuse the class
  • Having a killer intro and conclusion, that goes over exactly what I’ll be speaking about and what I want to communicate to my listeners 

  • Stop:
  • I want more than anything to stop feeling the pre speech anxiety
    • I think by practicing more and more I will stop feeling the pre speech nerves
  • Stop repeating myself
    • This is something I noticed in my first speech I do often. During the genre speech I told the class that Gary blows himself up at least 3 times. This is obviously way to many times. I think I do this as a product of being nervous and in the moment not knowing what to say, so I repeat what is on my mind. By being repetitive it takes a lot away from the speech, it becomes not as valid and exciting
  • Stop improvising and not sticking to my structure
    • By improvising I often repeat myself or cause some gaps in my speech. This just effects my validity and flow of the speech
  • Speaking so quickly
    • I need to slow down and enunciate my words better so the overall communication in my speech is better. 
  • Comparing myself to the other speakers
    • This only hurts my confidence, I need to focus on myself and what I can do better each speech. Not compare how the other students speeches are going

  • Continue:
  • Choosing topics that are interesting to me and exciting for the class
    • I like that I chose the skateboarding topic, it  is something no on else did and I want to continue choosing out of the ordinary topics
  • Using humor in my speeches to make them more enjoyable to listen to
  • Speak at a good tone and pace so that all viewers can hear me. I do need some adjustment with this but overall I think I am fairly good
  • Continue to introduce myself and what I will speak on and why
  • Smile often
    • Smiling communicates being comfortable and confidence. Although others things didn't communicate this, I certainly want to continue to smile and laugh throughout my speech
  • Comparing gary’s conventions and moves to other newscasts.
    • I really like that I did this because it really emphasizes how gary is different and makes it easy for my listeners to understand why Gary is different

  • Students Moves:

  • Kyle: 
    • I really liked Kyle’s speech genre. It was very specific like mine, choosing a podcast and then explaining the entire show was cool. By the end of him presentation I feel like I’ve watched the show many times. Also the move when he explained the lingo of Barstool sports was super cool. There were certain terms they used and he explained the terms to the class well. 
  • Connor:
    • Obviously conner’s move when he slammed down the folder was super awesome. I thought it was cool how he incorporated the theme of intimidation and power during an interrogation into his speech. It definitely caught everyones attention and really drove home the point he was trying to make. 
  • Poly:
    • Poly’s list of conventions and moves as a server was really extensive and covered pretty much all aspects of service. If one just read Poly’s presentation and memorized what she said they would make a great server, almost as if not much other training would be necessary
  • Daisy:
    • Overall Daisy just killed it, the way she presented was like she was giving a school tour. Which further communicated to the class the conventions and moves of the genre without having to verbally say them. Her energy was perfect.
  • Mackenzie:
    • I thought it was super awesome how she acted like she was giving an Oscar Speech but explaining to the class the moves and conventions instead of the actual words of her speech. It was sort of like the Ted Talks we watched and I thought that was a really cool move to do for the class.