Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Speech #2 Rough Draft

Genre: Youtuber/Skateboarder Day in the Life


  • Usually begins with them waking up or eating breakfast still looking half asleep. 
  • He/she then welcomes the viewers to the video and tells them what type of video this is. 
  • Every YouTuber has a sort of genre that they fit into and the video will reflect that. For example a skateboarder will do a Day in the Life on a day full of skating, rather than a day full of work or school. 
Video Content
  • After breakfast they proceed to go to the local park and "warm up", maybe play a few games of SKATE, and just mess around for a little while. 
  • They Video is usually full of skating, talking, and messing around with buddies
  • Jokes are played, tricks are tried, some are landed and some aren't 
  • Sometimes security/cops will kick the riders out
  • Usually lots of talking done by the YouTuber, explains where they're going next, what they're going to do, and who they're going with. 
  • Introductions of YouTuber's friends into the video
  • Fun music played throughout the video
  • Purpose of the video is to show what this person does on their ideal day of living
  • Video will end with getting dropped off back at home.
  • Youtuber explaining what they're gonna do next
  • Thanking everyone for watching and being a part
Conventions/Moves of a Day In the Life
  • usually entertaining
  • Jokes made often
  • Shows the ideal day for the particular person
    • Skateboarder = Day filled with skating
  • Thank viewers for watching and subscribers for subscribing 
  • Promotes other social media platforms where viewers can follow

Monday, February 8, 2016

Post Speech Reflection: Start, Stop, Continue


  • Making more eye contact
    • I noticed I looked at my note way way too much. I need to maintain eye contact with my audience more to reinforce what I am talking about. More eye contact shows more confidence and knowledge of what I am talking about.
  • I need to practice more!
    • When I practiced in front of my friends and the mirror I felt confident and it seemed easy. But in front of everyone I got really nervous and I think i definitely showed. For my next speech I want to practice in front of people I'm not as comfortable with, perhaps a roommates friend or neighbors who I don't talk to very often. 
  • Start using more gestures, moving around the speech area, and looking at all my audience. 
    • I think that speaking with hands and doing other nonverbal things helps communicate what point the speaker is trying to get across. And using nonverbal communication and benefit me with my speeches greatly. 
  • I would like to start using pauses better. 
    • Whenever I would pause I got nervous and used fillers like Um and Ah. To me that communicates that I wasn't prepared enough and confident in what I was speaking. Pauses can be used as points of emphasis in a speech and to have stronger and more persuasive points.
  • Structure my speech more efficiently
    • I repeated myself too much and I want to start my next speech with a structure of exactly the points I want to make and the arguments I will say
  • Creating a better hook
    • With this last speech I didn't have a very strong hook and that definitely effected the quality of persuasion of my speech

  • Doing the same gesture with my arms
    • Throughout my speech I did the same arm gesture. In the future I want to expand what my gestures are to use my nonverbal communication to reinforce what I am speaking about 
  • Using the works like, um, and ah so much
    • During my speech I kept looking to my notecard and I would take a few seconds to find what I am trying to say. This definitely proved to be hurtful for me. Because I would say uhhhh or ummm during these seconds and look like I didn't know what I was talking about. I think that caused me to seem less confident, less persuasive, and less professional. 
  • Stop using a note card all together
    • Overall I think the notecard did more harm for my speech than good. When practicing I didn't use it at all and my speech flowed so much nicer. But in he video I kept referring back to it which interrupted my flow. At a few points in my speech I said something and they glanced at my notecard and pretty much repeated exactly what I just said. It's frustrating to watch because when reading the notecard and the room is silent I get nervous from the silence and repeat what I'm reading to break the silence. Even though I know its exactly what I just said. 
  • Stop sounding so monotone
    • I am a very spirited and energized person. And I felt my speech was pretty monotone and almost boring. I want to bring more emotion into what I am speaking and make it more personal for me and entertaining for my audience.
  • Stop seeming so nervous and not very confident
    • The biggest thing I want to stop doing is seeming so not confident. Some other classmates seemed so confident and comfortable up there on stage. I know I have that type of confidence in me for public speaking I just need to figure out how to get it to shine. It seems that once I'm up there right when something small goes wrong I put too much thought into fixing it that makes me lose my confidence. I usually think the problem is a lot more of a bid deal than it actually is which throws me off.


  • Making the speech personal and a topic of interest for me
    • I really liked the topic of my speech because it is something I could easily see myself doing 
  • Speaking at a good pace and good volume
    • I think I have a good pitch and tone of my voice
  • Choosing a topic that I am passionate about.
    • The more passion I have for something the more confident I am and that translates to a better speech
  • Making my post relatable to the audience and connectable to the audience 
  • Offering a rebuttal and how to get around that. I like in my speech I was able to show why what I was offering was fair to my dad and why it's different than just asking for money
  • Lastly continue to stand up straight and using good body language. I want my gestures to get better but I'm happy with how I'm standing and engaging with my audience 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Elevator Pitch Rough Draft

Elevator Pitch
Premise - 
Graduating college in the spring
family trip to New York City (somewhere I have never been before)’
In the Elevator at our hotel with my Dad, were going up to floor 30
Its Christmas Time, and I’m graduating in May

Dad starts by asking me how Santa Barbara is and my new job.

Dad, I want to run an idea I've had by you and see what you think about it. I'm not sure if you'll support it or not but I have to try.  I’ve realized over the past year that every time I travel to somewhere new I absolutely love it. Like right now, were in an elevator in New York City during Christmas time, looking over the city skyline. This is a view I haven't seen yet with my own eyes and I love it. I can't get enough of it, I wanna keep seeing new sights and experiencing new things. 
So this is my pitch to you dad, as you know I’ve recently started working at the Boathouse and will be graduating in the spring with no real plan of what I will be doing after. I’m positive I don't want to jump right into my career and risk missing out on some aspects of a career free life. Well I’ve realized I want to take some time to travel and enjoy what the globe has to offer. I have a tentative plan on where I want to go and what to types of things to do but the main aspect I am missing in the funding. 
That is why I am talking to you about this Dad. Because traveling the world costs a pretty penny and I know you'd want me to experience all the places around the globe that you have experienced over the years. So heres my thought, for the next six months while I work at Boathouse I will try and save as much money as I can. And however much money I am able to save you will match me and give to me for travel purposes. With the money I will save and the money you give me I will definitely be able to spend some time traveling to some new places. I know this is a lot to ask of you and mom but if you agree I will consider it my graduation gift. And it will also promote me to work harder and become better at managing my money. Also, I know you don’t usually support the idea of just giving myself or the other siblings money for stuff we want to do. But I see this preposition as different because the amount of money I will receive from you is solely dependent on myself and how hard I will work. And the money I will get won’t be for a sort of material item but rather life experiences and life lessons. I feel like there is so much out there to learn and see. I've seen so much of the world over the internet but now I want to see it through my own eyes. There's something so magical to me about being in a spot on earth I have never stepped foot on before. 

I don’t need a definite answer right now, I just figured I pitch that idea too you and see what you thought and how you reacted. Give it some thought, talk to mom and get back to me pop. No rush, Love you!